Before and After School in Lafayette, IN

Little Steps Before & After School
When a parent’s schedule doesn’t match up with that of their children, they may be left with hours of daily day care needs. Daycare after school makes sure children in Lafayette, IN get off their buses safely, and it ensures that they’re provided with an enriching and safe environment for these after school hours. At Little Steps Early Learning Center, our daycare after school and after school care programs focus on providing a fun and valuable experience for every child enrolled.
All after school care providers are trained, certified, and licensed to care for children in Lafayette, IN, providing complete peace of mind for parents. Children in Lafayette, IN are kept in the best hands as they learn through hands-on experience and fun.
After School Care For Local Schools
Whether private or public, Little Steps Early Learning Center after school care in Lafayette, IN provides the after-school care parents need. Buses come right to the Little Steps Early Learning Center facility, and staff is present to greet children as they step off their buses and onto our property. Children are provided with after school snacks, homework help, play, and fun with their peers. When parents are ready to pick their children up, they find that their children are ready to go and excited to experience it all again tomorrow!
Homework help at our Little Steps Early Learning Center after school care helps children to thrive in their day to day learning. Parents need not worry about children completing their homework or becoming a tutor after a long day at the office. Our Licensed and certified after-school care childcare providers are ready to help with any subjects students may be struggling with as we assist in homework completion.

Before School Care In Lafayette, IN
Little Steps Early Learning Center does not just focus on after school care, but before school care as well. Children can come to our facility for before school care, as our staff provides assistance with getting onto the bus and getting to school each day. After school, children may then come for our daycare after-school to perfectly match their parents’ schedule. Before school care ensures children are prepared for the day ahead, they have had a nutritious breakfast, and they have all of their materials necessary for school that day.

Rest Assured With Before School Care And After School Daycare Services
Whether before school care or after school care, families can rest assured children are in an enriching and safe environment with Little Steps Early Learning Center care in Lafayette, IN. Building on what they’ve learned in school, Little Steps Early Learning Center before school care and after school daycare programs in Lafayette, IN build strong foundations for learning through fun.
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