Dental Health since babies.

Dental Health since babies.

When your child’s dentist recommends braces, you may not be sure what to expect. After all, this is a big step for them. Most parents would prefer to avoid this step altogether, but the proper treatment is required to achieve maximum esthetics. Braces are nothing more than removable dental plates that support healthy teeth and prevent them from moving around too much. This can cause cavities and other problems down there. However, most children grow out of their braces by age ten. Your child’s dentist will also likely recommend orthodontics and heavy-duty oral appliance treatment at some point during childhood. Here are some ways to start your child off with good dental care.

  1. Visit your Child’s Dentist Regularly

Your child’s dentist will likely recommend a twice-yearly checkup. During these visits, your child’s dentist will evaluate their teeth and gums. The doctor will also probably order x-rays to ensure no cavities or other issues that need treatment. If your child is not on medication, they may also be required to have an oral exam, which involves cleaning the teeth and looking for signs of gum disease.

  1. Teach your Child how to Brush their Teeth Properly

Brushing your child’s teeth is a great way to help them build their self-esteem. However, you must take over the responsibility if you are not doing this. A good rule of thumb is to brush for 2 minutes at a time, twice a day. Make sure that your child does not brush too hard or too long. You can also suggest that they use baby toothpaste to ensure brushing in the right direction.

  1. Floss Teeth Daily

This is a habit that most children learn very quickly. However, many parents do not know how to properly teach their children to floss their teeth. They must be taught the correct technique. Flossing daily can help prevent gum disease and cavities later in life. According to recent research, daily flossing can reduce tooth decay risk by more than half.

  1. Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride is a substance that is added to toothpaste. It helps prevent cavities. You can also purchase fluoride drops, a convenient way to add fluoride to your child’s water. Fluoride may also be found in other foods, such as juices and cereals. Many parents like to use fluoride toothpaste. It is available in various flavors, so it is not difficult to find one your child will enjoy.

  1. Change the Toothbrush Regularly

Brushing your child’s teeth with a worn-out toothbrush will not help them build up their self-confidence. It also exposes them to bacteria and germs that can cause cavities. The best time to replace a toothbrush is every three months. If you use a child-sized toothbrush, you may want to replace it every two months. Most dentists recommend replacing a toothbrush after the bristles become frayed.

  1. Limit Intake of Acidic and Sugary Foods and Drinks

Acidic foods and drinks can leave a film on the teeth. This is a significant cause of tooth decay. If you are concerned about your child’s dental health, try limiting the number of acidic foods and drinks they consume. These include citrus fruits, tomatoes, sodas, and maple syrup. Avoid using tomato sauce for spaghetti sauce because it has a high acid content.

  1. Encourage your Child to Drink Plenty of Water

A child’s teeth will be at their healthiest when drinking plenty of water. Most experts recommend that children drink between 8 and 10 glasses of water daily. It is also essential to make sure that your child brushes their teeth after every meal and drinks a glass of water before bedtime.

  1. Teach Children not to Use Teeth for Anything Other Than Chewing

Teeth should be used for chewing only. Please do not allow your children to use their teeth to do activities such as tearing food into small pieces, biting their nails, or biting the head off a toy.

Teeth are critical to a child’s overall health. They can help build self-confidence and good oral hygiene. If your child has cavities, make sure they see their dentist regularly to get the help they need.